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Want to be a Treblemaker?

You've come to the right place!

Auditions: About

Our Audition Process

Here's exactly what you have to do in our audition room:

( Sign ups for Fall 2018 Auditions will be available at the Student Involvement Fair in September)

Auditions: FAQ

1. Scales

Sing a regular scale on 'ah' or any syllable you feel most comfortable. Our Music Director will give you a starting pitch from the piano.

2. Solo of Choice

Prepare and sing about 30 seconds - 1 minute of whatever song shows off your voice best!
Be expressive! This is your opportunity to show us your personality.

3. Tonal Memory/ Sight Reading

Our Music Director will play 4 measures of notes to you, just sing them back to us! We will have the sheet music out for you to reference.

*Please arrive at the Music Building 5-10 minutes before your scheduled audition time to fill out an Audition Form!*

Please Note:

Being a member of the Treblemakers is a significant time commitment.

We rehearse every Sunday and Wednesday 8-10pm. 

Before auditioning, ask yourself if you can commit to attending every rehearsal and practicing your music on your own time.

Good luck! Don't sweat the mistakes, just show us what you've got!


If you're interested in auditioning or have any questions, email us at


Auditions: Headliner
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